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  • Sinéad de hÓra wicklow ireland (map)
  • Would you like to connect with your Spirit Guides?

  • Would you like to learn how to intuitively read for others?

  • Would you like to learn how to heal yourself and heal others?

I am so excited to say that my Spirit Guides have asked me to hold a 4 part series to teach you how to do all of the above.

The aim of this series is to teach you how to connect with your body, with your Spirit Guides, to strengthen your intuition so that you can heal yourself and heal others.

What you will learn…


Week 1 - Listen to your body’s whispers

  • Learn how to connect with your body, to understand its whispers and message

  • Learn how to connect with higher powers, your Spirit Guides, Angels,

  • Learn how to identify when you are connecting with your Spirit Guides and higher powers

  • Learn how to release blocked emotion from your body

  • Learn how to guide your body back to inner peace

  • Learn how to focus your mind as you allow your intuition to be heard

Week 2 - Awaken the healer within

  • Learn how to connect with your aura

  • Learn how to heal your own body through meditation, visualization, and by connecting with your auric field

  • Learn how to work with your Spirit Guides as you heal yourself and others

  • Learn how to heal others

  • You will awaken the healer within


Week 3 - Become a channel

  • Learn how to raise your vibration to meet the vibration of your Guides and Angels

  • Learn how to interpret messages

  • Learn how to relay messages you receive from your Guides

  • Learn how to tune into your own gift

  • Here, you will get to experience your Clair gift in action - understanding the 7 Clair senses

Week 4 - Developing your reading ability

  • How do you grow your intuition? You train it!

  • Learn how to read and work with oracle cards for additional support

  • Learn different spreads for your oracle cards and how to work with them in your reading

  • Here we will be putting your intuition to the test with fun exercises, meditations, and readings

Sinead de hora grow your intuition course

Amazing course!!!! It was so grounding, inspiring, and fulfilling. I felt continually challenged in the best possible way. It has given me inner confidence I had forgotten I had.
— Aileen

All The Details!

  • This course consists of 4 modules

  • 1 module a week for 4 weeks

  • Each module is 90 minutes long starting at 7:30 pm GMT - 9 pm

  • Each module will take place on Zoom. A link will be sent to you upon signing up for the course!

  • Dates of modules:

    • 4th of November 2021 at 7:30 pm

    • 11th of November 2021 at 7:30 pm

    • 18th of November 2021 at 7:30 pm

    • 25th of November 2021 at 7:30 pm

  • A private What’s app group chat will be created for you to share your amazing insights throughout the 4 weeks. Sinéad will be monitoring the energy of the group to make sure it is uplifting and encouraging

  • There are limited spaces available as this is an interactive course

  • You will be working with each other as you learn to read for each other

  • Each module will have guided meditations, energy healing, intuitive teachings with the aim to enhance your intuitive ability

  • Sinéad teaches intuitive awakening mainly through meditation so that you can go inwards to your own intuition and get to know his/her voice

  • Aspects of each module will be recorded and delivered to your inbox every week so that you can continue to train your intuitive muscle in your own time.

Additional notes:

  • Subject to availability

  • Refund not available for this course. If you can no longer make this course you can offer your place to a friend or family. You do this of your own accord. Please let Sinéad’s team know by emailing

  • ‘Value’ is assessed as the cumulative value of individual services, products, or similar

Your investment

Worth €780

Your investment today: €275

This is the best thing you will ever do for yourself
— Nicola


Can anyone join this?

Yes! Sinéad is a firm believer that everyone is born with a gift of intuition and it is her mission to support you as you strengthen your gift. This series is open for all stages of intuitive growth.

Can I do this with my friend?

Yes, the more the merrier. The aim is to create your tribe of like-minded souls where you can hold space for each other and witness each other grow.

Where will this take place?

This will be online, on Zoom each week starting at 7:30 pm GMT. There may be times where we run over schedule depending on the energy of the day

Are the classes recorded?

Aspects of each module will be sent to you so that you can continue your intuitive practice at home. These aspects are likely to include channeled guided meditations by Sinéad. Sinéad will decide what areas to send to you based on the insight that she receives.

What happens if I want a refund?

You are more than welcome to have a chat with Sinéad prior to your booking to see if this is right for you. Please email to arrange. Once you have signed up, we do not offer refunds as we encourage you to follow through with your gift. It is quite common in spiritual practices that you may feel hesitant to join or resistant throughout - this is all part of your spiritual growth as you step out of your comfort zone. Usually, this happens when the egoic masculine energy is resisting control to the intuitive feminine energy. Break through that resistance, your intuition always wins!

The course was so insightful and thought-provoking. The course is a game-changer for me. It has given me tools I have never had before and never want to let go of again.
I felt supported, loved, and had some fun along the way.
Would highly recommend the course to anyone looking to know themselves a whole lot more. Thank you so much for such a beautiful experience, Sinead. It was so enjoyable and I cannot wait for the next course already
— Anita
28 October


4 January

A New Years Blessing - Manifest your desires!