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Spirit Babies and time for mum to be

  • Sinéad de hÓra wicklow ireland (map)

Join Sinéad for 90 minutes online where you get to just surrender. A fertility journey can be one of the hardest and emotionally challenging times of your life and a cycle of your life that feels like it’s everlasting.

This 90-minute healing is for you, mum-to-be, to surrender and allow yourself to be held. This is for you to put down the armor that you hold in your heart and womb that makes you feel protective of your emotions, tense with hope, and borderline controlling as you navigate the timing of ovulation and the ‘two-week wait’, again.

This ceremony will be completely channeled by Sinéad as she works with the Queen of Angels, Archangel Chamuel, and Archeia Faith to support you in letting go of any fear associated with your fertility journey and allowing yourself to completely surrender into your body.

What could happen;

  • Receive Angel healing

  • Receive Angel messages

  • Connect with your Spirit Babies

  • Connect with your womb

  • Breathwork

  • Journalling and reflective writing

  • Reconnect with your body

  • Reconnect with your womb, heart, and head

  • Align your energies,

  • Work with your Ancestors

  • So much more….

This is for you if;

  1. You are on a fertility journey

  2. If you are preparing your body for conception

  3. If you are preparing to become a mum in any form, through conception, IVF, Surrogacy, IUI, etc.

  4. If you feel tired of the journey

  5. If you feel tired of being hopeful and not seeing results

  6. If you feel like you have tried everything and you just need a break

  7. If you just want to be held and connect with your spirit baby(ies)

  8. If you just want to relax, surrender and receive love

  9. If you are ready to receive, let go of control and feel the Divine Mother energy within you

  10. If you just need space to be

Where will it take place?

In the comfort of your own home. Once you sign up, you will automatically receive a link for Zoom. Please follow that link on the morning of your event. I will join a few minutes prior to holding space as we connect and will start at 11am on the 18th of April 2023

What do you need to bring?

1. Treat this like you would any meditation, light some candles, or your favourite incense (if it is safe to do so) My favourite incense is Sandalwood for grounding and earthing or Sage or Palo Santo for cleaning the energy around you and for creating a sacred space. Feel free to bring some essential oil with you too as we open our energy. I will more than likely have the following lined up; Lavender, Chamomile, Frankincense, Rose or Jasmine, and I will decide at the moment what I am drawn to. Please feel free to do the same.

2. Please wear comfortable clothing, let it all hang out! You want to be as free as possible so that your mind can focus on your energy and not your clothing

3. Have a warm blanket and any cushion or support you might need for extra coziness! Your body temperature lowers as you relax so make sure you keep warm!

4. Please have a pen and paper at hand in case any insight comes through for you and through you

5. Have water nearby as sometimes you can feel light-headed after healing. Please listen to your body in this case and sip your water, taking your time to sit up after your meditation

6. You are welcome to drink some sacred Cacao prior to your workshop, I won’t be guiding you into our ceremony with cacao but you are welcome to create space yourself for this.

7. Please have something that represents your baby with you - it can be a picture, an outfit, a blanket, an image… whatever connects you with your little one.


33euro per person

T’s&C’s Applied

  • Your ticket is non-refundable but if you can no longer make it, you can gift it to a loved one.

  • You can gift your ticket to a third party and inform Sinead’s team of this exchange by emailing

  • If you decide to go on this journey with a friend and you are in the same room, please note that it is still 33euro per person. Sinead connects with everyone that signs up individually prior to logging on Zoom so that she connects with their energy to send them healing.

  • Also, your ceremony will be recorded and sent to you via email to listen back at any time that you desire.

  • We will ask that you refrain from sharing this ceremony with anyone because they are not in the container of what we created. When you keep the container sacred with whoever signed up, the energy and healing remain the same strength. Sharing with others dilutes the healing. 

4 April

Full Moon online ceremony

22 April

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